Emma's skincare routine

Today, I want to let you in on my little secret – my skincare routine.
As a time-poor mom, I don't have the time for the 10-step skincare tango like I used to.
But luckily with my soaps, I've been able to bid farewell to the multitude of products I used to have lined on my bathroom shelf – cleansers, toners, moisturisers, you name it. Instead, I have simplified everything to just one soap.
Our beauty bars have performed skincare miracles for me. My husband and I have formulated each bar with specific ingredients that work wonders — deep cleansing, pore minimising, brightening, soothing, and moisturising benefits.
So every evening the only thing I have to think about is which of our soaps to use, depending on how my skin is feeling and looking at that time.
Of course, occasionally I indulge in our serums or use plant oil from the kitchen for an extra hydration boost, but I'll get to that in a sec.
Here's a glimpse into my skincare routine:
Mornings kick off with our Dry Skin Cleanser, a personal favourite. Enriched with pure Macadamia and Avocado oils, it's ultra-hydrating and the perfect pick-me-up for the day ahead.
In the shower, I peel back the Soap Saver, revealing the Dry Skin Cleanser bar.
I gently massage my entire face with the exposed bar for about 30 seconds, enhancing circulation and allowing the ingredients and benefits to penetrate deep into the skin.
Then, I rinse off the cleanser. After showering, I skip moisturising because the plant oils in this soap provide incredible hydration.
At the end of the day, I opt for either the Pink Clay Detoxifying Cleanser or the Magnesium Salt Detoxifying Cleanser.
These detox cleansers excel at removing dirt and drawing out impurities. In the shower, I either rub the bar directly on my face or lather it in my hands and apply it to my face. A quick wash and a gentle pat dry complete the process.
Afterwards, I like to apply a bit of serum or plant oil, such as macadamia oil, especially if my skin feels dry from the day and to give it extra nutrients overnight. This oil mimics natural skin oils, preventing irritation or acne.
And that's it! In just 30 seconds to two minutes, I've achieved a skincare routine that leaves my skin plump, dewy, and I think minimises lines. The secret lies in keeping it super simple, using only the very best natural ingredients. No complications, no diluted products filled with water, and absolutely no unnecessary harsh chemicals – just the pure goodness of nature.
In short, follow these simple steps:
Step 1. Forget the 'no soap on the face' notion – it holds true for chemically crammed commercial soaps, but not for our 100% natural, plant-based moisturizing wonder bars.
Step 2. Wash your hands and work up a foamy lather.
Step 3. Gently massage the lather on your dampened face.
Step 4. Rinse with warm water, then repeat the process all over your body.
Step 5. Smile and step out of the shower!
Step 6. Pat yourself dry with a soft towel.
So, are you ready to simplify your skincare routine and embrace the transformative power of soap bars? Trust me, once you try it, you'll be hooked on the natural, uncomplicated path to glowing, radiant skin. Say goodbye to the skincare tango and hello to the soap bar dance of radiance!